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Church Safety Team

Protect the Sheep

7: Introduction to Reality Based Training Part 1 Safety Team Member’s Response 

Section 7 is a 2-part video which covers the topic of the Introduction to Reality Based Training . The Part 1 video will cover:

1. What is Reality Based Training.
2 .Why Reality Based Training.
3. Boyd’s Loop Revisited.
4. Reality Based Training Safety Rules.
5. Safety Inspection Levels.
6. Peer Inspections.
7. Primary Safety Inspections.
You are encouraged to download the Section 7 Part 1 Notes package to follow the video with.

Video Length: 19:20

Play Section 7: Introduction to Reality Based Training Part 1 Safety Team Member’s Response Video

7: Introduction to Reality Based Training Part 2 Safety Team Member’s Response 

Section 7 is a 2-part video which covers the topic of the Introduction to Reality Based Training. The Part 2 video will cover:

1. Secondary Safety Inspections.
2. Vehicle Safety Inspections.
3. Projectile Based Training Considerations.
4. The Necessity for Identical Equipment Manipulation.
5. Individual Practice – What Can You Do on Your Own?   

You are encouraged to download the Section 7 Part 2 Notes package to follow the video with.

Video Length: 20:19

Play 7: Introduction to Reality Based Training Part 2 Safety Team Member’s Response Video

Vandalia, OH 45377


Email: info@rsoule.us